Addiction Recovery

5 Features of Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) That Makes Them Less Scary

January 17, 2022

Learn in this article how an intensive outpatient program can help you recover with comfort and convenience.

With the abundance of treatment options in the market, deciding on your treatment plan can be daunting. The intensive outpatient program or IOP effectively gives the help you need without the restrictions of an inpatient program.

Various treatment modalities have evolved through the years to manage the symptoms of substance abuse and mental health conditions. These include detoxification, therapy, and counseling.

Since addiction affects every person differently, the type and level of treatment also vary. Based on your assessment result, you may be required to enter a particular level of care that suits your needs.

Thankfully, the stigma attached to addiction and rehabilitation is decreasing. There is a significant shift in the public’s perception regarding mental health as well as its treatment.

In the past, people struggling with mental illness were labeled violent or dangerous. Many people feared their safety, so individuals with mental health problems were placed in an isolated psychiatric asylum. Fast forward to today, practices have changed for the better.

Some of the improvements we observed are the closure of outdated asylums, immersion of treatment facilities into the community, and the use of talk therapies.

Given the public’s acceptance and support of mental well-being, people have become more open or receptive to talking to health professionals and seeking help.

If you are looking for treatment but aren’t sure which is applicable for you, rehabilitation centers can assist you. The two forms of addiction treatment you’ll likely encounter are outpatient and inpatient programs.

This article will talk about the components of an intensive outpatient program and its great features.

What is Partial Hospitalization Program
Source: Unsplash

What is Intensive Outpatient Program?

This treatment is designed to address substance abuse, depression, eating disorders, or other forms of addiction that do not need detoxification or continuous supervision. However, it is only suitable for those with a stable home environment.

It allows patients to enjoy their regular day-to-day activities while still getting the supplemental therapies and invaluable resources they need. Compared to residential treatment programs that require patients to live in a facility, those under intensive outpatient programs can go home after each session.

Therapists sometimes recommend IOPs in conjunction with inpatient programs to help individuals smoothly transition to everyday living in their respective communities. It teaches them healthy coping mechanisms and helps with relapse management.

The success of the therapy depends on the dynamics of the patient and their therapists. Since the professionals meticulously monitor their attendance, progress, and issues, patients don’t quickly falter.

The Difference Between A Standard Outpatient Rehab Treatment and An Intensive Outpatient Program

The main difference between the two is the time spent on treatment sessions. A typical outpatient program will have you dedicate one to three hours per week for counseling or group meetings. On the other hand, an IOP will ask you to attend as many as 10 hours per week.

IOP is appropriate for individuals who need a higher level of care, yet they can still function without strict guidance. It is also an excellent choice for clients looking to move from a demanding program to one that provides more freedom.

How does PHP works
Source: Unsplash

Get to Know These IOP Features

First-time rehab patients often get intimidated about the programs since they don’t know what to expect. By being aware of IOP features can put your mind at ease.

1. It Provides Flexible Time

If you have household responsibilities that you cannot leave behind, you may find this program ideal for your situation. It lets you maintain and manage your work and family life while still looking after your recovery.

It primarily benefits those who are the primary caretakers of their family and those who can’t take a leave of absence. Treatment staff can set a schedule that fits you.

2. You Can Create a Personal Recovery Network

Another feature of an intensive outpatient program is it allows you to create a support recovery network. IOPs may sometimes invite you to attend group meetings with other people in recovery. 

Social interaction with your peers can empower you to maintain sobriety. This kind of camaraderie allows you to healthily cope with stressors and negative feelings.

3. You Can Get Access to Essential Resources

Attending intensive outpatient treatment will give you access to recovery resources and regularly meet with therapists and counselors. These enable you to discuss your concerns and get advice when you feel close to a relapse.

Additionally, they can provide you with case managers to assist with your needs. They may offer the following:

  • daily check-ins
  • weekly treatment plan
  • communication with medical providers
  • legal assistance
  • medical support
  • housing assistance
  • employment assistance
  • education assistance

4. It Provides Family Education Programs

Your family members can help in your recovery. Having a solid support system rallying behind you can boost the program’s effectiveness. Moreover, a warm atmosphere at home is conducive to your well-being.

IOPs can provide families with the knowledge, information, and skills they need to support their loved ones. It helps increase the chance of full-on healing.

5. You Can Learn Life Skills

Life skills training is another feature of intensive outpatient treatments. It consists of educational sessions that help people in recovery be self-sufficient and independent.

One of the things they teach is processing and managing emotions, stress, and anxiety. They also teach you how to develop and sustain healthy relationships with others.

Additionally, you can learn time management, career improvement, money management, and effective communication.

Finding a suitable treatment can be challenging. By assessing your current situation, your therapist can better decide on which level of care to put you in.

IOP features
Source: Unsplash

The intensive outpatient treatment program provides you with different benefits and features to make your recovery comfortable. It gives you access to a higher level of treatment while maintaining your presence at home and work. It also gives you a supportive community on the same healing journey as you.

Another Chance is a premier rehabilitation center that offers various treatment services. If you are dealing with a mental health problem, behavioral health issue, or addiction challenge, we can help. We’ll make sure to consider your needs as we create a personalized plan that follows the structure of an IOP.

Start your journey towards growth and long-term recovery. Call us to schedule an appointment.