Addiction Recovery

7 Statistics of Addiction Therapy Services That Will Surprise You

February 21, 2022

Learn about the key statistics related to addiction therapy services and their role in improving the conditions of patients and the community.

With the growing number of substance abuse cases in the country, it is essential to provide addiction therapy services to people in need. Find out the surprising statistics related to addiction in this post and how treatment programs can help address this issue.

Addiction continues to be prevalent in U.S. society, especially during the pandemic. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that about 40.3 million people aged 12 and above had developed a substance use disorder in 2020. Among them, 28.3 million deal with alcohol use disorder, while 18.4 million have illicit drug use disorder.

The pervasive use of drugs and alcohol arises from several factors. It includes the pursuit of natural rewards, management of stress and chronic pain, and the easy availability of alcohol and other potent drug forms.

This presents a significant amount of problems to the community. In fact, around 95,000 people die from alcohol-related causes each year, while an estimated 100,000 people succumb to a drug overdose. Not to mention, addiction contributes to various social issues, such as violence and crimes.

Amidst the high numbers of illicit drug use in the United States, it is not enough to only have punitive policies in place. Patients must access addiction treatment services to lead healthy lives and curb this growing problem.

Addiction Treatment Services
Source: Pexels

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a chronic mental health condition that manifests itself as the inability to quit harmful behaviors, such as substance use, despite adverse consequences. Various factors that can cause this disease include genetics, chemical imbalance in the brain, as well as the individual’s environment and life experiences.

What is Addiction Therapy?

Addiction therapy services aim to help individuals break the cycle of compulsive substance abuse. Although interventions may come in different forms and has different lengths, they all have the same goal –  to address the underlying causes of addiction and teach patients how to cope with their cravings and triggers healthily.

Types of Addiction Therapy Services

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy. It teaches patients to recognize their destructive thoughts and behavior while finding a way to cope with stressful situations. The therapist helps identify the causes of your cravings for drugs or alcohol and manage them.
  • Contingency Management. In this approach, addiction counselors reward individuals with tangible incentives for their positive behavioral changes. Patients usually receive cash, a voucher, or another prize after each negative urine toxicology result. Studies show that well-structured contingency management programs can increase abstinence among drug-dependent people.
  • Family Therapy. The therapists meet with the patient and their family members to understand what contributes to the substance abuse problem. It seeks to explore family power dynamics, remediate problematic behaviors, improve communication, and strengthen the patient's support network.
  • Twelve-step Facilitation. It promotes long-term abstinence by actively encouraging individuals to participate in 12-step recovery groups. It lets you surround yourself with a peer community that understands your journey, celebrates your successes, helps with your struggles, and keeps you on the right track.

Kinds of Rehab Treatment

  • Inpatient or Residential Treatment - It involves the delivery of medical detoxification and integrated mental health services in a 24-hour structured residential setting.
  • Outpatient Treatment - It provides general rehab services, such as psychological and behavioral treatment, without needing to live in the facility.

Uncovering Addiction and Relapse Statistics

  • The 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reveals that about 40.3 million people aged 12 and up had struggled with a substance use disorder. Among them, 28.3 million deal with alcohol use disorder, while 18.4 million have illicit drug use disorder.
  • Around 95,000 people (approximately 68,000 men and 27,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes every year.
  • An estimated 92,000 individuals in the U.S. have died from a drug-involved overdose in 2020. More than half of the deaths involved males.
  • According to national surveys on alcohol use, it shows that only one-third of people with alcohol use disorder try to quit drinking. Among those, only about 25 percent could reduce their alcohol consumption for more than a year.
  • Roughly about 40 to 60 percent of individuals experience relapse while recovering from drug addiction. It resembles the relapse rate in other chronic illnesses, such as hypertension and diabetes.
addiction therapy services

7 Surprising Statistics of Addiction Therapy Services

  • More than 14,500 specialized drug treatment facilities in the U.S. offer addiction treatment services, including counseling, behavioral therapy, medication, case management.
  • About 4 million people aged 12 and above received addiction treatment services in 2020 from self-help groups, rehabilitation facilities, private doctor’s offices, hospitals, and prisons.
  • Three out of every ten drug-dependent individuals who attended a treatment program stayed sober for at least one year afterward.
  • After adopting a sobriety project, a study among the residents of South Dakota recorded a 9% reduction in domestic violence arrests.
  • Every dollar allocated in substance abuse therapies can reduce drug-related crimes and criminal justice costs, giving the government a return of about $4 to $7. When you include healthcare-related savings, the total savings could go up to $12.
  • Offenders with drug addiction who have undergone comprehensive treatment can reduce drug use by 50 to 70 percent compared to those left untreated.
  • A study shows that people who received a standard 30-day addiction treatment have a success rate of about 55 percent, while those in programs lasting more than 30 days have an 84 percent success rate.

Surprising Statistics of Addiction Therapy Services

The Cost of Alcoholism and Substance Use

Abusing drugs and alcohol can bring harm not only to the person doing it but to society as a whole. It impacts the public's health, safety, and socioeconomic state.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the annual cost of excessive alcohol use is $249 billion, while illicit drug abuse is $193 billion. A huge part of this money goes to workplace productivity losses, followed by the direct and indirect costs to the healthcare and justice system.

Loss of productivity in the workplace may be connected to incarceration, hospitalization, death, or the patient's participation in treatment programs. Meanwhile, the health burden attributed to addiction could be due to injuries involving road traffic crashes, violence, and suicides.

Components of Effective Addiction Therapy Services

With the extensive effects of addiction, it is important that rehab centers not only focus on treating the patient's illness but also on helping them gain employment, improving relationships, and taking care of themselves.

The good news is that more than 14,500 specialized drug treatment facilities across the country can do the job. They deliver different behavioral and pharmacological approaches in inpatient or outpatient settings.

Inpatient or residential treatment requires people with moderate to severe addiction to live in the facility while undergoing medical detoxification, supervised therapy, and medication-assisted treatment.

On the other hand, outpatient treatment allows individuals to return home after each therapy session. The program consists of some type of counseling, such as individual or group therapy. It is an ideal option for people with milder addiction symptoms.

Effectiveness of Comprehensive Treatment

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether the addiction treatment is effective or not. Basically, you'll know that the program is working if it improves one's ability to function at home, at work, and in the community. 

Most addiction therapy services have been shown to reduce drug use and improve one's health and social function. Additionally, they make meaningful contributions to the community, as shown in the following instances:

  • After adopting a sobriety project, a study among the residents of South Dakota recorded a 9% reduction in DUI and domestic violence arrests.
  • Every dollar the government puts towards substance abuse therapies saves $4 to $7 in healthcare and criminal justice costs.
  • Three out of every ten drug-dependent individuals who attended a treatment program stayed sober for at least one year afterward.
  • Offenders with drug addiction who have undergone comprehensive treatment after release from jail can reduce drug use by 50 to 70 percent compared to those left untreated.

Does Longer Substance Abuse Therapy Increase The Chance of Long-Term Recovery?

Substance abuse is one of the major problems in the country. In 2020, about 4 million people received addiction treatment services from self-help groups, rehabilitation facilities, private doctor's offices, hospitals, and prisons.

Although treatment is generally effective to help patients manage their condition, it is vital to recognize that treatment outcomes may be different for everyone. It depends on multiple factors, such as the individual's specific issues, the type of interventions they're receiving, and the quality of interactions between the patient and the treatment provider.

Besides that, the duration of care can also improve results. A study shows that people who received a standard 30-day addiction treatment have a success rate of about 55 percent, while those in programs lasting more than 30 days have an 84 percent success rate.

When it comes to treatment, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It is most effective when people finish the entire course of therapy and follow up with aftercare programs.

Substance Abuse Therapy
Source: Unsplash

The increasing rate of drug abuse has become the subject of public concern in recent years. It even worsens with the ongoing stress and uncertainty brought by COVID-19.

To protect the community from the impacts of addiction, patients should get the right level of care, a network of support, and evidence-based therapies from trusted providers.

Your Recovery Matters to Us

Another Chance offers various addiction treatment services in Portland. We deliver an unsurpassed level of care to our patients, developing customized treatment plans that meet their exact needs. With the necessary tools and support, you can break free from addiction and regain control of your life.

Call us NOW to embark on your journey towards healing and recovery.