Addiction Recovery

Checklist for Addiction Supportive Housing Programs That Patients Should Know

November 1, 2021

Learn what addiction supportive housing programs are and what are available for you or your loved one.

Drugs are chemicals that can negatively affect your body and brain. Different drugs have different effects, some of which include long-lasting and permanent health consequences. Often, these effects continue even after you've stopped taking them.

All misused drugs affect the brain. It causes large amounts of dopamine - it helps regulate your emotions, motives, feelings of pleasure, and it floods the brain, which makes you "high." Eventually, it changes how your brain works and intervenes with your ability to make choices, leading to strong cravings and compulsive use. Over time, this behavior can turn into a dependency on drugs or drug addiction.

People  can receive treatments in several ways. One can opt for inpatient care or outpatient care. Therapy and medication vary from one person to the next, and you need all the help you can get, especially when you finally decide that you want to stop your addiction.

This is harder for people struggling with homelessness. If it's hard for someone to battle their addiction with their families on their side, how much more for people without them? Discover what supportive housing programs are and how they can help you.

Addiction Supportive Housing Program
Source: Freepik

The Meaning of Supportive Housing Program for Substance Abuse

Having a stable home plays a vital role in someone's recovery from substance use disorders commonly referred to as SUDs. Being unable to pay rent and the thought of losing your home could cause stress and trigger substance misuse and relapse.

People with SUDs who experience homelessness find it hard to address their substance use without a safe place to live. There is a high probability that they'd still be using drugs and alcohol to cope with the dangers of life on the streets.

In 2018, Congress passed the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (also known as the SUPPORT Act). It provided various programs and funding opportunities to help address the opioid epidemic and help people with SUDs. SUPPORT Act contains provisions to facilitate HUD's (Housing and Urban Development) creation of Community Development Block Grant or CDBG funding. This is to address the housing needs of people recovering from a certain substance use disorder.

People who need affordable housing, like everyone else, face long waiting lists because of the limited resources and different challenges in finding available homes. Due to federal laws, people with SUDs who were once evicted due to their drug-related activities find it harder to get affordable housing. These laws allow housing agencies to prohibit people from receiving assistance, especially when it is known or discovered that they have histories of past drug use or are at risk of engaging in illegal activities. The said policies can unfairly deny access to housing to people with SUDs. Recovery programs for people with SUDs are housing-related ---like requiring them to live in shared spaces wherein they pay rent and other bills to remain in the program.

If you are a person with SUDs who just exited inpatient care or if your disorder is the reason, you lost employment, housing assistance can help you stabilize your life through housing services.  Flexible housing funding lets communities create extended housing options for people with SUDs and incentivize programs to work as one.

What is Supportive Housing for Substance Abuse
Source: Unsplash

Housing Programs For Aid Addiction

People in recovery need support, connection, sobriety, and employment to create a more positive outcome for their quality of life. Since recovery is distinctive to each person, this means that housing options are important---whether you are transitioning from homelessness, coming from a rehab program, or even your own home.  A variety of affordable housing models are available from different institutions, which is invaluable for people in recovery. Examples of affordable addiction supportive housing program include:

  1. Housing First

A homeless assistance program that aims to create permanent housing for homeless people. They serve as a platform for homeless people to improve their lives by helping them pursue their personal goals. They believe that people in recovery need a roof over their heads and food on their tables before getting a job and maybe attending to their substance use issues.

  1. Permanent Supportive Housing

An intervention that combines voluntary support services and affordable housing assistance to chronically homeless people. Their services are built to create independence in people's living and tenancy skills and for them to be able to connect with other people in society. They also have community-based health care, treatment, and employment services.

  1. Another Chance

A private rehabilitation center that aims to help people with SUDs with multiple programs and provides a supportive housing environment where you can develop the skills you need to get back on your feet and take back your life!

Our treatment accommodations are designed to give you a comfortable stay in our housing. Moreover, our SUDs support groups will be your pillar of strength as you go through this journey with us. We are a caring community that will be your family during your stay.

As recovery is unique to each individual, a range of housing options that support your recovery and are both available and affordable is paramount not only to you but, most especially to us.

Supportive Housing
Source: Unsplash

Supportive Housing

Supportive Housing Requirements for Substance Abuse

To become NY/NY III eligible, you have to be chronically homeless which means homeless for at least one out of the past two years or homeless for two out of the past four years and with a persistent mental health condition like bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia.

The majority of supportive housing is available to people meeting the criteria mentioned above, but since the NY/NY III agreement was passed, additional eligibility categories were added; they are as follows:

  • Chronically homeless families or in serious state of becoming homeless; where the head of the family is suffering from a severe mental health issue, SUDs, or disabling medical condition, HIV or AIDS.
  • Chronically homeless single adults with HIV/AIDS and suffering from a co-occurring severe and persistent mental health condition, SUDs or MICA.
  • Chronically homeless single adults with SUDs and disabling clinical conditions make it harder for them to live independently.
  • Homeless single adults who completed a treatment course for SUDs are at risk of street/sheltered homelessness. These people need supportive transitional housing to maintain sobriety and be able to achieve living independently.
  • Eighteen to 24-year-old young adults with serious mental health conditions being treated in NY State licensed residential treatment facilities who are at risk of street/sheltered homelessness if discharged without supportive housing.
  • Eighteen to 25-year-old young adults leaving or left foster care recently or who had been in foster care for more than a year after their 16th birthday is at risk of street/sheltered homelessness.

People need a safe space to live in and fully engage and commit to treating their substance use disorders. If you want to know more about Another Chance Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center's supportive housing programs, do not hesitate to reach us at or call us at 971-351-0914.