Addiction Recovery

Substance Abuse: Drug Abuse Types, Symptoms, and Treatment

June 6, 2022

Read this article to know the important things about drug abuse: types, symptoms, and treatment.

Substance abuse is among the biggest problems in society today and continues to grow. A report by The National Survey on Drug Use and Health says that in the Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro MSA alone, a yearly average of 394,000 people aged 12 or older used illicit drugs. Many people have looked up “substance abuse programs in Portland.” because of the alarming state of addiction in their areas. 

In essence, drug or substance abuse is a condition where people have become so dependent on a substance that they cannot function without it. They also have to increase their intake to get the desired effect continuously.

Consequently, this type of addiction adversely affects a person’s life and health, be it physical, psychological, or social.

Portland Drug Rehab
Source: Unsplash

Types of Drug Abuse 

1. Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol is arguably the most abused substance in the world. This is due mainly to its ease of accessibility and lack of restrictions against it. Like in many states, alcohol rehab in Oregon is vital.

For most, it’s a drink that relaxes people or a staple to make gatherings fun. Unfortunately, too much of it negatively affects the drinker.

While it affects everyone differently, alcohol abuse can cause physical, psychological, and social problems.

On some occasions, your body can’t handle the high amounts you drink. As a result, it can give you alcohol poisoning, and you’ll need to be rushed to the hospital for treatment. More than that, prolonged drinking can cause serious damage to your heart and liver.

It also makes you lose all inhibitions. At its worst, intoxication can make you do things that will result in harm, injury, and even death.

2. Cannabis Dependence

Like alcohol, cannabis, more popularly known as marijuana, is a common substance people use and abuse. Plenty of substance abuse programs in Portland offer treatment services specific to this drug. Aside from its accessibility, many people see little to no adverse effects, making them use it recklessly.

Some use marijuana for medical purposes, but many use it recreationally. Although most people don’t see this drug as addictive, it actually can be if you abuse it continually.

The desired effect is to make you feel mellow and relaxed. But abusing it can affect your coordination, mental functions, and even memory.

3. Prescription Medication Dependence

Drugs included here are benzodiazepines– or benzos– and barbiturates. Both of them are commonly given to patients to help treat sleeping disorders like insomnia. The latter can sometimes be used to treat some psychiatric conditions.

Also on this list are painkillers, opioids, and ADHD medication. 

Unfortunately, they are considered highly addictive substances. Often in addiction scenarios, a patient would develop a tolerance to a drug, making the usual dosage somehow ineffective: its efficacy is shorter, and the effects are not that strong. To get the desired effect, they increase their dosage and consume it more often.

They would then feel like they need to take their medication often to function normally. But they actually have adverse effects. In severe cases, you may experience an overdose, which may be life-threatening.

4. Hallucinogen Dependence

Hallucinogens, like LCD and PCP, make users see, hear, and feel things that are not real. High on these substances, people can lose touch of reality, create illusions, and disconnect from their mental state.

Abusing hallucinogenic drugs can make you enter a violent state of psychosis. More than that, they can cause you to hurt yourself and those around you.

There are even cases where LSD and PCP abuse caused severe neurological damage.

5. Cocaine Abuse

Even in small doses, cocaine is a highly dangerous drug. Considered a stimulant, it can make you feel euphoric and energized. But it also increases your blood temperature and accelerates your heart rate. In some instances, people experience fatal heart attacks or strokes.

substance abuse programs Hillsboro
Source: Unsplash

Symptoms of Substance Abuse

Each drug has a different effect on a person. But in general, substance abuse affects a person’s physical, psychological and mental health, as well as social life. That’s why in places like Portland, drug rehab aims to help a person get and remain sober to live a healthy life.

Physical Signs

  • Extreme weight loss due to taking the substance instead of properly eating
  • Sleeping problems
  • Glazed or bloodshot eyes
  • Constricted or dilated pupils
  • Looking unkempt as a result of poor personal hygiene
  • Deteriorating appearance
  • Unusual smells on your breath, body, and even clothing
  • Withdrawal symptoms if you haven’t used it in a while
  • Slurred speech
  • Tremors

Psychological Signs

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Lack of motivation
  • Extreme and sudden mood swings, irritability, and outbursts

Social and Behavioral Signs

  • Wanting but failing to cut down or stop
  • Distancing or isolating yourself from friends and family
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Drop-in performance in work or school
  • Constantly having the substance on your mind
  • Financial problems
  • Knowing full well that using the drug has a destructive impact on your life, but you continue to use it
  • Using while in serious situations, such as driving or taking care of children
  • Secretive behaviors
  • Changes in personality
  • Hanging out with different people associated with using the drug
  • Storing drugs in odd places
  • Feeling irritated if there is no drug available
  • Spending a lot of time doing substance-related things, such as using or nursing a hangover
  • Constant cravings
  • Giving up on things that once brought you pleasure

Substance Abuse Programs in Portland

Treatment for substance abuse is not the same across the board. It’s different for everyone; the same way addiction is not the same for each. Some look up “substance abuse facilities near me,” while others want one distant from their home.

There’s a plethora of treatments and methods available to help you on your journey to recovery. Here are some of the most common and effective treatments.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab is a residential treatment setting where a patient stays in the facility 24/7. While in the program, they receive medical services, supervision, and full-time care from professionals.

This type of treatment is best suited for people with severe substance abuse disorders and has the potential for more severe withdrawal symptoms. It’s also recommended for those struggling with behavioral, emotional, cognitive problems and would benefit from round-the-clock care.

Depending on the person’s situation, needs, and goals, inpatient rehabs can range from hospital settings to structured residential areas.

Substance Abuse Recovery & Supportive Housing is also a similar option where people in similar situations help each other.

Outpatient Rehab

The main difference outpatient rehabs have from inpatient ones is where you stay. Unlike the previous one, this type of treatment allows you to go home at the end of the day.

After a day’s worth of activities and sessions, you can go and continue to live your life outside. It’s also a bit less structured than inpatient programs.

Outpatient rehab is better for those whose addiction is not that severe. Also, if you have to attend to responsibilities outside of the program, this allows you to do it.

Medical Detox

Medical detox is present in most treatment programs and is often the first thing that happens after your evaluation. This process rids your body of the substances.

However, it can also be dangerous. Because you’ve become dependent on the substance, a detox can lead you to experience withdrawal symptoms that may be uncomfortable and dangerous.

That’s why it’s critical to be in a safe place when you do this, like a professional medical or rehab facility.

Counseling and Behavioral Therapy

Therapy and counseling are basic forms of treatment but are very effective. Essentially, most therapies aim to help you change your behaviors and attitudes toward substance use. Plus, it can also teach you to develop life skills to aid you in the future.

This can occur in a one-on-one session with your therapist, a group session with people like you, or with family.

Self-Help Groups

In self-help groups, you can meet other recovering individuals. You can learn from them and maybe teach them too. During meetings, you can form relationships and avoid feeling alone on the journey and even boost your confidence.

Examples of self-help groups include Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, and Narcotics Anonymous, or NA.

substance abuse facilities near me
Source: Unsplash

Seeking Treatment

The reason why people search for things like substance abuse programs in Portland is that they realize their situation is not ideal, and they want to heal. Or they see someone who needs help and wants them to heal.

Whatever the instance, substance abuse and addiction is not the end of the road. Knowing the types of drugs that are abused, its symptoms, and kinds of treatment, you can help yourself, or someone else find a better life.

Are you in need of healing and searching for substance abuse programs in Hillsboro? Start your healing and turn to Another Chance Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center of Portland.