Addiction Recovery

What To Look For When Choosing An Alcohol Rehab Facility

February 7, 2022

Find out what to ask when choosing an alcohol rehab facility.

We have come a long way in seeing and how we treat mental health. A few years ago, the general take on people struggling with alcoholism was negative. 

Despite a few people still having that mindset, the world has become more open and advanced in treatment methods and perspectives on mental illness. In the United States alone, there are thousands of treatment facilities focused on healing and helping recovering alcoholics.

But having an abundance of facilities is a double-edged sword. While the accessibility and the variety are a plus, clients may feel overwhelmed and confused when choosing the best one for them.

Not all alcohol treatment facilities are the same, and choosing the right one for you is key to a successful recovery. 

With that said, this article aims to guide you in choosing the best alcohol rehab center for you.

alcohol rehab facility
Source: Pexels

9 Questions To Ask When Looking For An Alcohol Rehab Facility

1. What Types of Treatments Do They Offer? 

There are two major types of treatment: outpatient and inpatient. The most significant difference between these two is whether you can leave or not.

Outpatient treatment allows you to go home after each session. On the other hand, inpatient treatment requires you to stay in the facility 24/7, making it have a higher success rate.

Although both have their advantages, one may suit you better than the other. Also considering your preference, look for a center that caters to your needs and wants in terms of treatment type.

2. What Are Their Specialized Programs?

Alcoholism doesn’t look the same for everyone. The same goes for treatments; it’s not a “one size fits all” kind of deal.

Most rehab centers specialize in different sets of addiction, like alcoholism or drug addiction. Some facilities are more successful in treating certain addictions than others. If you’re struggling with alcoholism, look for a place that has an alcohol rehab program.

It’s vital to select a facility that not only specializes in your specific need but also has a good track record in treating patients.

3. How Long Will The Treatment Take?

Generally, treatment programs last for 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on what your situation calls for. Each has a benefit: 60- and 90-day programs provide more time to recover while 30-day programs are cheaper.

Consider your situation, such as your finances and ability to commit. Then, look at what the  facility has to offer. Some 30-day programs have excellent track records of success.

4. Do They Offer Post-treatment Support?

The work doesn’t end when you’ve completed your treatment.

Ultimately, alcohol abuse treatments aim to get you sober and stay sober. However, relapse will always be a risk for recovering alcoholics. This is especially true when you’ve completed your treatment.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, regular evaluation and modification are vital to continued sobriety.

During recovery, you have the support of peers like you and the facility’s staff. But outside, it can be tough to go at it alone.

The best rehab facilities are the ones that offer aftercare programs that continue to guide and support you in recovery even after your treatment.

Alcohol Abuse Treatment
Source: Pexels

5. What’s The Staff Like?

The staff in the facility can make or break your treatment. So, when choosing a rehab center, you’ll want to gauge the staff that will be attending to you.

First, make sure that the center is not understaffed. You’ll want a place that can properly treat you, and an insufficient workforce can’t do that. A good staff-to-patient ratio is 5:1.

Aside from the number of people, the treatment center should have the proper people working there, such as nurses, doctors, psychologists, etc. If vital staff members aren’t available, you’ll miss out on beneficial resources.

Also, it’s good to know who you’ll be working with, and meeting them first would be better. If you can establish a good relationship with them, that would make your recovery process that much smoother.

6. Where Is The Facility Located?

Do you want to go to a facility near you or far away?

On the one hand, nearby facilities are more convenient for you, and you’re closer to your support systems, like friends and family.

However, going as far as possible can be more beneficial to your recovery, as it breaks your connection to your former life.

You’ll be able to remove yourself from triggers. These include people, places, and practices.

7. How Much Do They Cost?

Cost is arguably one of the biggest factors to consider when looking for the right rehab facility. Although it’s generally not cheap, how much you’ll spend depends on the programs you participate in, the duration of the treatment, and on the facility.

8. Does Your Insurance Cover It?

While treatment is not cheap, insurance can help cover it. But not all facilities work with your insurance. Make sure that the rehab center you choose is in-partnership with your insurance.

Some centers may say, “work with your insurance.” But that doesn’t necessarily mean in-network. You can check with your insurance provider if you’re in unsure.

9. Are They Accredited, Licensed, And Certified?

Rehab and recovery are delicate and challenging things to go through. So, it’s crucial that the people working with you are not only professionals but legitimate as well.

You do not want to hand your life over to someone who is not capable of treating you. An accredited, licensed, and certified facility shows that they have gone through the right processes and are capable of treating you.

Alcohol Addiction Therapy
Source: Pexels

More Tips On Choosing An Alcohol Rehab Facility

Establish your needs and set your goals

After deciding to go into treatment, the first step is knowing what you want out of it. Once you’ve identified your treatment needs and goals, you can start looking for facilities that align with your goals and can help you achieve them.

Do your research

Treatment is a big and important step in recovery, and the right facility can help you. But you can’t just choose one and be done with it.

You can check their website. Read testimonies. It may be challenging to look for the right center for you, but it will be worth it when you’ve successfully recovered.

Weigh your options

As mentioned before, there are thousands of treatment facilities across the country. However, not all of them are the same.

While some share similarities, it’s best to carefully weigh out your options to ensure you pick the best place for your recovery.

Check out the facilities

You can get a better feel of the place if you check it out yourself. Although they may look good on website photos, that may not be the reality.

Look for programs that teach life skills

Alcohol addiction therapy wants you to get sober and stay sober, as was previously said. So, look for facilities that not only treat your addiction for now but teach you life skills that allow you to live your life fully outside treatment.

Searching for an alcohol rehab center can be overwhelming with all the options and considerations. But all that is necessary to achieve your sobriety goals and get better. If you follow these tips and ask the right questions, you’ll be able to pick a treatment facility that can help you get better.

You don’t have to go through it alone. Start your healing and turn to Another Chance Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center of Portland. You can visit us at 12670 NW Barnes Rd Suite 200, Portland, OR 97229. You may also contact us at 971-269-8124 or go to our website.

Disclaimer: This post serves a strictly educational use. It does not reflect the services, products, or therapeutic approaches of this establishment or its healthcare practitioners. This blog aims not to advertise the products, services, or therapeutic approaches of any other establishment that may be associated with this site. On the subject of safe or legal services, products, and appropriate therapies, recommendations ought to be given by a qualified professional on a case-to-case basis.