Addiction Recovery

Important Reasons Preparing A Loved One For Rehab Is Beneficial To Their Recovery

August 15, 2022

Read as we discuss the many ways preparing a loved one for rehab is beneficial to their recovery.

Usually, for anyone with a substance use disorder, overcoming it is more difficult than they expected. Addiction to them can feel like a myth or a figment of their imagination, and that saying quits anytime is possible. The same is true for anyone with behavioral problems or addictions that involve sex, gambling, eating, shopping, and even exercise.

Preparing a loved one for rehab to overcome their addiction can be hard. While it can be a challenge to recognize that there is, in fact, a problem, learning how to go through the quitting process is the first step to recovery.

Addiction makes it hard for your brain to actually quit. But addiction is treatable. Although there might be a few things here and there that need to be done to make you achieve success, overcoming addiction is possible.

what to bring to rehab
Source: Unsplash

Why Addiction Is So Difficult To Overcome

American Society of Addiction Medicine says that addiction is a "treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual's life experiences."

Despite the known negative consequences of addiction, some still continue to engage in harmful behaviors and activities. As we have mentioned above, your brain is pretty much the culprit. Addiction somehow changes your brain’s reward system, increasing your desire for more substances or experiences you get when you abuse drugs or alcohol. These changes in your brain affect your judgment and impulse control and thus makes quitting quite more challenging.

Reasons Preparing A Loved One For Rehab Is Beneficial To Their Recovery

Getting treatment for your loved one is basically the first step toward recovery, aside from preparing for it, as mentioned earlier. But, realistically speaking, a few details need to be done for you to be prepared for treatment, like simply knowing what to bring to rehab.

It is normal to feel scared and even stressed about this journey, especially if this is the first time you are about to do it. You obviously need to make the necessary adjustments with work or other sorts of engagements you have to be in because you would most likely miss them, but like all things, these things can be easily done with the right preparation.

Here are some ways preparing a loved one for rehab is beneficial to their recovery:

1. Admissions And Intake

Prepping for rehab is not just “before” entering rehab per se, but the prep work done before you have to go through the treatment. So, the first few days could mean helping your loved one feel comfortable with the program you have chosen, hopefully together. Talking to the team from rehab about what your loved one needs and what their concerns are.

Assuming that your loved one’s medical history has been taken into consideration, a personalized treatment plan would be best. Taking the necessary pre-intake assessment over the phone and providing additional info after admission by a biopsychosocial assessment is vital. 

2. Detox

If your loved one is suffering from withdrawal symptoms, a medically supervised detox is essential for the initial diagnostic evaluation. Your loved one will receive medication to help relieve themselves of withdrawal and start the process of psychotherapeutic care. Living with a recovering addict can be really challenging, but detoxing will surely help you both.

3. Therapy And Counseling

Traditional and holistic therapies will be provided to your loved one after their medically supervised detox. These therapies could either be individual or group sessions. During this time, your loved one will begin to process their traumas and mental health issues.

This part might be the toughest to face, especially since people tend to shy away when addiction is talked about. It is also very long. It will take the most time, the most energy. But this part of your loved one’s recovery is the most rewarding.

preparing a loved one for rehab
Source: Unsplash

4. Aftercare

Another Chance’s aftercare programs maintain relations with patients who are in recovery. Aftercare can consist of treatment services, ongoing therapy, and support group attendance.

Packing For Rehab: Bring The Essentials

Pack light and pack smart! This is the key to efficient handling of your personal belongings on the way to rehab. Essential items that ought to be in your loved ones' bag include:

  • Government-issued ID
  • Phonebook or a list of important contact info
  • Prescription meds and insurance cards
  • A credit or debit card
  • Hygiene products 
  • Appropriate clothes
  • Laundry supplies

These are the very basic supplies that your loved one needs, but if your scheduled or planning to stay longer than a month, bringing an iPod or MP3 player would be ideal too. Listening to music can be therapeutic too.

Usually, most treatment facilities would not allow patients to bring their phones or any device with an internet connection since these could be used to violate the privacy of the other patients. 

If your loved one is into books, then you can add that too. This can serve as an escape for your loved one or sort of a connection to the outside world. Lastly, pictures. These pictures will be their motivation and inspiration to keep pushing them forward and finish their treatment.

Source: Unsplash

Start Preparing For Rehab Today

Getting ready to go to rehab can really be a bit nerve-wracking for you and your loved one, but it’s essential to remember that the more prepared you are, the better your experience will be. You can be assured that you are getting the most of your treatment if you go there prepared. 

Call us if you are ready to begin your journey to wellness and freedom from addiction. We have dedicated medical professionals ready to answer your questions and assist you.